Sunday, July 25, 2010

Real Simple.

My mind is always in seven too many places at once. This means I am a world reknown starter of things. I am always starting things that I am not finishing. Thoughts, stories, crafts, glasses of water, letters, journals, the list goes on.

I wish I were a completer. I don't think it's some defaulted gene, I think it's a lack of discipline. But, maybe for now we can just pretend it's not because I get oh-so-very distracted.

I asked God for community here. I am certainly not getting it the way I though, but slowly, I see it forming around me. It is requiring a part of me that I don't give naturally. This isn't bad. It is a little hard, though.

Nothing in my life is real simple.

But, then again, everything is.

1 comment:

SASS said...

Girl, I'm right there with ya. And I'm even on medication for that. It's in my blood, apparently.
But you know what I think? I'd rather be content not finishing things and doing what I want then always having to finish things just to finish them. That seems more tortuous.
Sometimes the beginning is the best part. :)
♥ Bear.