Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The reason for this blog...

Well, family, you know how life goes. Sometimes, it's hard to keep up with everyone. So, I created this little blog to let you know about the happenings of my, ever interesting, life. You can comment on this site, just press, add comment, or something of that nature. Anyway, I just thought this would be fun. Well, I just saw all of you not too long ago, so currently there are no updates, but here are some things I'm thinking about:
Love. Friends. Family. Family that are friends, and friends that are family. Dr. Pepper. Chipotle. Taco Bell Hot Sauce. Growing. Living. Freedom. Laughter. Honesty. Dreaming. Rain. Jumping in puddles. Crying. Reading. Feeling alive. Writing. Having something that you can do that is all yours. Music. Painting. Having someone look at you and know what you're thinking. Really, truly, honest to God, down and dirty knowing people. Being known. The realization that you can do anything, no really, anything. Not being scared. Being scared, but doing it anyway. Not caring what anyone thinks, but in that, because I'm truly alive sort of way. Embracing your flaws. When that certain boy "casually" brushes up against you. Really looking someone in the eyes. Loving your body. Singing with your eyes closed. Having your heart break, because the stories on the news and in the paper, never end with, "But, she was just dreaming. It's all ok." Nature. Finding out that the most important thing in life is loving God and loving others, something you will never master, but when you grasp, everything else falls in place. The color purple. Being able to love people regardless of what they do, but because of who they are. Letting yourself to be loved for who you are. The stars. The moon. Deep, thoughtful conversations. Having perspective, and understanding how perspectives affects things. Being found. The simple things. Like the way the leaves on trees and the grass seems acutely greener after it rains. And the way it smells in the fall, and how that first crisp breeze catches you by surprise. And how someone’s eyes look different, like they are always truly smiling, when they are in love. And the feeling you get when reading a really good book. How your heart skips a beat when you see it's raining. Or the way the ocean looks so very mysterious at night. And how you know you'll never be able to see all the stars, and you know they are far away, but under the right circumstances, on the right night, you feel like they are so close you can touch them. The feeling of being around someone who loves you, in spite of what you do. The high you get after an amazing conversation. The realization that life is before you, and everything is possible, your pipe dreams can become real. Getting your feelings in writing. Being courageous enough to share how you really feel. The way a certain boy can always smell so good. Being inspired. No makeup, and you don't even notice. Feeling pretty and worthy just because you're alive. Walks in the rain. Knowing God is sticking it out with you, even though you screwed up again, and even though you thought you knew, and were arrogant, and misrepresented Him, and now you realized you didn't know, and you don't know, and you're just not sure, and then Him whispering, in one of those infinite ways he does, that He loves you, and you're home, and just breathe.
That seems like life to me, in a lot of ways...wait, what am I doing, it's way to late? That time change is killing me!


Anonymous said...

I love your post and I am glad you are going through one of the only struggles worth having to honestly be yourself and be ok with it. I love your writing keep it up. And as long as your overcoming fears don't forget this Thursday you and I are going to the writer's thing at Kate's house. MOM

Anonymous said...

one more comment

Lately I have been thinking about how often I seek my own justice in situations. Like Dole plantation when the woman didn't want to make the kids a bracelet. So yesterday when we called about the air conditioner the repairman thought he couldn't fix it until today. The unit was frozen and he needed it to unthaw. When I talked with the apartment manager I said if it wasn't fixed I would like for them to put us up in a hotel as it was already 90 degrees in the house. She couldn't promise that because the person who had authority she couldn't reach until tomorrow. I found myself getting frustrated/angry, but hung up. I feel like God brought to my mind about seeking my own justice. So silently I said You be my God of justice. I felt like He said it might not go like you think. Sometimes justice might not come from the person you think it should. So the family went to get lunch in an airconditioned place. While we were there it started pouring down rain. So by the time we got home our house was at about 80 degrees and we were soaking so we definitely we not hot. The repairman had thawed the unit with hot water and taken the blower to his shop to repair. By 6:15pm we had A/C again and God had shown me how He was a God of justice. Often I want justice against people when I really should want the justice God has for me.

Anonymous said...

yo yo yo homeslice.. i think your a hottie with a body

Anonymous said...

Whitney great post. The few chances I have had to read stuff you've written always makes me smile. Thanks for including me on your blog, though the word doesn't do justice to your writing (blog sounds much less enjoyable). Unfortunate as it is, we are slowly adjusting back to reality here in PA, though waking up for work this morning was quite painful. Hope to see you again sooner than later.

Anonymous said...

such a high tech world. I feel like garfield the cat in the windows of cars. hanging on for dear life. Loved your blog. Loved being with everyone in hawaii. Hated leaving, but it's good to be home. Love G-Dawl

Anonymous said...

stay away from caffeine. too much thinking going on. well life is like a charles dickens novel at this point in life for you - "the best of times and the worst of times." never boring. i think writing it out will solidify your thoughts, emotions and perspectives. it will give you something to look back on and see how God has been weaving a tapestry through it all. blog on. bret

Anonymous said...

Now I'm sad that we didn't sit down and have a truly amazing thoughtful deep down and dirty getting known and being known conversation with each other! My fault and I'm sorry, but what do you say, next time we're together, let's?! And may I just add how inspiring and marvelous a job you've done at putting some of who you are into words!
Hawaii was wonderful!! Our family rocks!!! love you

Whitney said...

Hey guys, thanks for all the comments.
Mom- I talk to you everyday, and find it pointless to currently respond to you here, but I didn't want you to throw any sort of fit or feel left out.
"Anonymous"- Ashley, I know that was you.
Heath- Shall we rename it then? Blog does sound rather awful, but it's what we've got. And don't worry, hopefully this won't get to bloggy. You know, I'll always spell out words, try to spell things right, use grammar correctly, and under no circumstances wRiTe LyK dIs...
Gradmere- Hawaii was wonderful. You are pretty high tech, and I'll try to keep this simple.
Bret- Caffeine doesn't affect the amount of thinking...well maybe the amount, but you trade it out for depth. Anyway, in short, I just think a lot.
Sharron- Our family does rock, and you are most certainitly on for next time we see each other. Christmas? Next summer? Hopefully soon!

Anonymous said...


That is quite an undertaking. I am excited about the "party" you are throwing for the invisible children. We are praying about it and I will add it to our Mon. prayer team's list.