Saturday, January 10, 2009

Books and tears

They seem to go hand in hand for me.

I cry when they're over, because that story is finished. I cry in the middle, because something the characters have it so hard, and even fiction life can be unfair. I cry sometimes because I know it's not just fiction life that is unfair, but real life too. Actually, just generally, since last year, I cry more than I used to, but, in all honesty, those tears need to be cried, so we should wear them proudly.

That being said, I still find myself saying quietly to myself that I need to read more nonfiction. These tears are still foreign to me.

One of these days, I'll learn. That sometimes, crying is better than laughing. Sometimes hard is better than easy. Sometimes quiet is better than noise. And sometimes you get it wrong before you get it right.


Livieloo said...

I still don't know why I basically don't cry in real life ... which is probably precisely the reason why books, movies and songs get me every time.

Livieloo said...

Oh, and in case you haven't noticed, I've responded to all your comments underneath your comment because I'm too lazy to navigate all the way to your profile...

hootenannie said...

I want some book recommendations from you! I love books that make me cry. I do. :)