Thursday, November 26, 2009


My heart feels so warm as I sit here, smelling our fried turkey and I think of the pecan pie that still needs to be made. I am so blessed in this sticky, odd, beautiful part of life.

I think of God and his unending faithfulness. Through my disobiedence, laughs in his face, as well as, fears, insecurities, and complete insanity. I would be lost without him.

I think of my family and how they still laugh at my jokes (no matter how random they are). They still love all of my little absurdities. They still hold my hand through the dark and cheer me on in the life.

I think of my friends and how they still wrap me in love from far away. Through phone calls, texts, mail, emails, blog comments, FB, and visits. They support my crazy antics, nervous breakdowns, completely lost moments. And when I forget myself, they are still there with a look in their eyes like, "Come on, Whit" and remind me of that too.

And when you have that, you don't need much more, but I have much more still. I have more books than I can count, tivo, sweet fall days, food in my belly, smiles on my lips, and despite the occasional panic attack, quite a lot of joy in my heart.

I hope your Thanksgiving is beautiful, warm, and you take a nice, long nap.


alee said...

hello dear friend. your gratitude post was encouraging. thank you. may your days to come be merry and bright.

SASS said...

Ahhh beautifully said, my friend. I love counting the ways it is possible to keep in touch now!
The staples make life what it is, and the little things make life just a little sweeter.
Love you always, orangepudding!