Wednesday, February 18, 2009

1. I am tired today. Even though, I basically slept for 11 hours last night.
2. When I say basically, I mean, my sleep cycle seems to be sleep straight through a few hours, wake up constantly a few hours, sleep a few hours.
3. The aforementioned thing is very annoying.
4. Lately, perhaps because of the previously mentioned sleep cycle, I am at least 5 minutes late everywhere. And usually it's more like 15 or 20 minutes.
5. If you want me to be somewhere on time, just tell me you want me there earlier than you do.
6. I love Dr. Pepper a lot.
7. I am a nerd. I love school a lot.
8. Last night I started to re read books that were formative in my ideas about love and romance in high school. I found them ridiculous and heart-melting.
9. Those books were my secret favorites for years. My older sister always made fun of me for them.
10. There is a squirrel at work someone trained to eat out of your hand. It's a nice little office trick, I suppose, but I still refuse to try. I hate animals like squirrels, oppossums, and, most of all, ferrets.
11. I smiled to myself when I looked at the caller ID before answering the phone a few minutes ago and it said Donald Miller. I pretended the author was calling me.
12. But, then Donald Miller was rude on the phone.
13. I'm waiting for Mollie to send me an email I asked for eons ago. It's about love. So, I may write about love soon.
14. Ash Wednesday is in a week, and it is one of my favorite church services.
15. I usually don't wear royal blue or navy blue shirts because I think they are too close to the color of my jeans and feel too blue. But, today I am wearing a royal blue shirt.
16. I like being 22. I like saying I'm 22.
17. This was silly, but I felt the need to update.


Livieloo said...

I'm glad you updated. It made me laugh.
I know what you mean about too much blue ...
I think Ferrets are cute but they stink. I like 22 also. It's very ... even and balanced.
I'm sorry Donald Miller was rude to you on the phone. I've thought about yelling right back at people before ... but then I decide I rather like my job. So I just curse them under my breath.
I watched "Taken" last night. It was really good. It was free because my friend downloaded and loaded it onto my computer.
I love you. In spite of your Socialism.

Babbling Brook said...

What books were they???

I was obsessed with V.C. Andrws in middle school through beginning of high..