Monday, September 07, 2009

Wait, Pray, Trust.

A few months ago I was about to graduate college. I was about to have a degree that I loved, but no earthly idea what to do with it. So, I waited. I prayed. I trusted.

I didn't do this things unfailing. Often, I'd get antsy and take control. I'd forget to pray and worry instead. And I'd anxiously agonize and doubt. But, the idea, the constant replay in my life was the same. Wait, pray, trust.

But a month or so from graduating, my roommate made a hard, brave decision to move back home, which derailed my plans. I needed a job, roommate, or place to live. So, I waited. I prayed. I trusted.

I didn't do these things well. I oftened whined. Too often I took to unfaithfulness. I tried to micromanage. All of these things fell away, though, I continued to wait, pray, and trust, and my prayers were answered. Though, not at all like I expected.

So, then I moved home. I needed a job. I waited. I prayed. And I trusted.

I'm getting better at this. I still falter.

And now? Life is shifting. I feel it. I'm terrified of the things before me, and yet, three words continue in my head.


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