Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Reconcilitation, Part 2

Sometimes, as much as I want what I want, when I want it, I'll get a moment of clarity. It usually happens much after the fact. Like, I'll look back on a situation and think, "Yes, that was right; I didn't need that. This was much better after all." But, very rarely, maybe once or twice, it happens amidst something. Before the clear evidence that something is indeed better really takes root.

But, I'm thankful for those moments, present and retrospective. They're why when I'm babysitting and I say, "You can't a bag of marshmellows because it isn't good for you," that I smile to myself and think, ah, this is why those gross injustices we feel as a child take place. Because often my parents were acting out of knowledge I didn't have. And I'm thankful for that.

Reconciliation is the same way, I think. I think it looks like God saying, "Ah, but that isn't good for you." Unfortunately, God also gives us the option of saying, "I just am going to take the bag of marshmellows anyway, but thanks for the concern."

I say that because, marshmellows taste better than vegtables.

If for no other reason that we were told to put them away.

Still, God creates this thing for us, this possibility, and he breathes it everywhere. In trees, in sunsets, in old friends' smiles. He is constantly urging us, pursuing us with it. "Be reconciled," I imagine he wispers many nights. "Come back."

And when we do. When we are. He says, "Now reconcile with each other. With the trees. With the sunsets. And most of all with your old friends."

Oh, were it so easy.

Because, we don't always come back. To God. Or to each other.

I am reminded of my friend's words, that not all things are reconciled on this side of heaven. I ache for that hope tonight. I believe in reconciliation. It gives me hope. I am rooted in it. I work at it. Sometimes, I am foolish, stubborn, prideful, but it is apart of me.

Reconciliation is beautiful when we take apart of it.

And life is just so damn hard without it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I keep choosing the marshmallows. I love to read your writings. I am in the book that I imagine is written by you.