Thursday, December 24, 2009


It's Christmas Eve and instead of our usual tradition of snacks, pajamas, and presents, we are in a hotel room in Edmond, OK in the middle of a blizzard, closed highways, and a declared state of emergency. A few minutes ago, I was just about ready to whine about the ruined holidays.

But, truthfully, it's ok. Stuck or not stuck, it's Christmas Eve and maybe it's even a little appropriate. To have to go with a little less instead of a little more. To make do and spend good time together. To have true anticipation as Advent is about to arrive.

And even more truthfully, something feels honest about it in regards to where I am in life right now. A little stormy, a little less than ideal, but also good, if I let it be.

So, you know what. I'm going to let it be.


hootenannie said...

But you're with your family, right? Tell me you're with your family!

Ugh. So sorry about the roads. :( I made it to Colorado - but there were definitely nasty parts.

I hope that a hotel Christmas holds a wonderful surprise. :)

Ms.S said...

Hope you will make it to your destination soon!

Have a wonderful Christmas!