Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Lately, a series of pictures.

Sometimes, I play this game with Ashley where I pretend like I'm the paparazzi. Which may seem strange, but considering the fake will we wrote for her two weeks ago, maybe not.

Lots of mail.

Chick-fil-a, you are growing on me.

Car pics.

What a pretty little sister.

Craft time.

Birthday time.


Done. (And covered in paint).


Maggie May said...

such joy! radness. and Harry Potter i s MY love language ;)

Hannah G said...

Whit! Hello friend! I have missed hearing the ramblings and wanderings and treasures found in your heart :) So glad we're blogging friends again :) You don't still have your xanga do you? I don't even know if mine exists... anyway, like I said, I miss you and am so glad we're both on here... yay connectedness!