Friday, September 10, 2010

OKC, This is why I love you.

Just when I think I know all about all the hot spots in OKC (I know, I'm awesome). I discover that there is an underground city! (You can tell I'm excited about this because I used an exclamation point, which, I don't do very often, except for some reason a lot at work because when I write e-mails I want people to assume I'm a cheery and good natured person).

So, this weekend, before or after the roller derby tournament I will be going to, I will explore the underground city. And don't worry, y'all will get a full report.

I might even steal borrow a camera.

And yes, I did just post again today to prove Nevan wrong. But, only because I love her.


Unknown said...

An underground city in OKC. I must know more.

Ms.S said...

ooooo, sounds exciting!