Friday, July 31, 2009

A week of moving, goodbye, laughing, and other things too.

This week I moved out of my perfect little ivy house. This turned out to be quite an adventure because I have a sprained ankle and we somehow have a shit ton of stuff. (Yes, it's a scientific word).

We slept on couches and futon pads even though they weren't comfortable just so we could stay up late soaking in the goodness that was our house and to watch lots of Sex and the City and recount beautiful memories that happened within our walls in the past year. Great joys, great sorrows, more laughter than one can count, and all sorts of crazy shenanigans.

And then last night we slept in what will be my home for the next 2 weeks as I continue to pack up and say goodbye to my dear city. It will be hard, but I believe that this next step of life will be good. And who knows where it will take me?

Still, the whole process of moving is exhausting. Not just physically packing up all your stuff, but finding new places for your life, and knowing that some of it can't go with you. So, if you want to hang out this weekend, let me tell you, we'll most likely be doing one of two things...moving the last few boxes or laying around.

Still, this is good. Life is funny. I will trust in this place.


SASS said...

I love how you captured 'finding new places for your life, knowing it all can't come'. (It sounded better in Whit words) So true, isn't it? The older I get, the more phases of this I go through. Physically relocating causes me to learn so much about me, what I love, what I have, what I don't need. Cleansing and eye-opening.
Where are you moving, love? Still is OKC? Is your family still in Texas? I've lost track!

SASS said...

P.s. Shower tip is extremely vague, but that's beauty of it, I think. Do what works, even if you don't know all the details. Hee!